J Korean Acad Kinesiol Search


The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2010;13(1):75-82.
Published online January 30, 2011.
The Effects of Sports Massage on the Improvement of Shoulder Muscles in Elite Athletes
Shin-Jung Yun, Seung-Hyen Pack
Woosuk University
Correspondence:  Seung-Hyen Pack,
Email: juna0826@naver.com
Received: 15 July 2010   • Accepted: 9 November 2010

This study is to investigate the physiological efficacy of sports massage for improving the condition of shoulder muscles in elite basketball players who excessively use shoulders.
16 high school basketball players were divided into a sports massage group(SG) and a control group(CG) and each group has 8 players. After the ordinary training with the same intensity, sports massage was treated once in 60 minutes, 3 times a week and for 8 weeks to SG group. The regular warm up exercise for 15 minutes was openated for the rest 3 weeks on SG and CG. On the first day of this research, we tested an eletromyogram of infraspinatus and deltoid after treating the sports massage and exercise. On the 56th day of the research, we tested an electromyogram in the same condition to the first day and analysed data into RMS(Root Mean Squared) and MEF(Median Edge Frequency).
For the RMS recordings, in SG, infraspinatus and deltoid were significantly decreased(p<.05) after performing the sports massage. For the MEF recordings, in SG, the significant increase in infraspinatus(p<.001) and deltoid(p<.01) after treating sports massage. But no change was found in CG.
Sports massage treatment should improve the condition of shoulder muscles in basketball players excessively using their shoulders. Therefore, sports massage can prevent injuries and also it can enhance the performance.
Keywords: Sports massage, Basketball players, Electromyogram(EMG), Infraspinatus, Deltoid


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