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Asian J Kinesiol > Volume 15(1); 2013 > Article
The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2013;15(1):45-56.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15758/jkak.2013.15.1.45     Published online January 30, 2013.
Effects of One-stop Fitting Yoga on the Body Composition, Blood Pressure, Blood Variables, Physical Fitness, Life Satisfaction of the Musculoskeletal Obesity Patients
Nak-Bong Seong, Jong-Soon Seo, Ki-Hwan Jeong, Jong-Suk Lee, Hyun Sook Lee, Gyu Deuk Shin
Yoga and meditation R/D center of Wonkwang Digital University
Leejong suk Oriental medicine
Korean Art Psychotherapy Association
Sung Sae Hospital
Correspondence:  Jong-Soon Seo,
Email: ssoonseo@unitel.co.kr
Received: 9 November 2012   • Accepted: 19 January 2013

In patients case of the obesity and chronic muscle joints, the moderate intensity aerobic muscular exercise for obesity solution is not easy. this "One-Stop fitting yoga" is considered as a way to overcome this difficulty. it was researched some effects on body composition, blood pressure, serum lipids, physical fitness and life satisfaction.
The subjects of this study were selected by the categories such as over BMI 25 or over WHR 0.85 and the female of chronic muscle, randomly total 20 women, a test group 10 women and a control group 10 women. The test group was carried out One-stop fitting yoga five times a week, 90 minutes, the strength 40~75% for 12 weeks. The control group was required no to participate in any kinds of exercise except the routine daily life.
The interaction effect according to time and group was statistically significant at the Body weight (p<.001), BMI(p<.001), WHR(p<.001), Body fat(p<.01), Pphysical age (p<.001), HDL (p<.05), Llife satisfaction (p<.01)
This study was shown as meaningful result in the chronic muscle joints patients. So this "One-stop fitting yoga" was suggested as an alternative possibility to overcome the limitations of the chronic muscle joints obese patients.
Keywords: Body composition, Obesity, Fitting therapy by obesity causes, One-stop fitting yoga


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