A Study on Exercise for Treatment of Diseases |
Yong-Kweon Kim |
Jeonju University |
Yong-Kweon Kim, Email: caliperkim@hanmail.net |
Received: 3 October 2012 • Accepted: 19 January 2013 |
Abstract |
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to increase specialty and roles of a Certified Exercise Professional through studying of exercise for treatment of diseases.
METHOD The data collected references about therapeutic exercise historically. RESULT In antient Greece, yoga was the best exercise for treatment. In Rome, massage and tubing exercise were used for a treatment of diseases, and also, Physicians recognized moderate and strenuous exercise to treat many acute diseases. During middle ages, exercise was abandoned, medicine was minimally practiced. In the 18th century, It was recommended mobilization of post-surgical patients, In the 19th century, The movements of body was divided by 3 diameters(perpendicular, anteroposterior, transverse), was introduced eccentric and concentric contraction movement. also, It was introduced dosage method, counting, and detailed directions for exercise including physiologic phenomenon of fatigue. In 1951, It was introduced progressive resistance exercise, and recommended to do incrementally organized exercise. Recently, organized exercise is critical important all patients including cardiac patient, metabolic disease, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal problems, geriatric disease. Especially, many researchers reported organized exercise positive effect on immune system and disease therapy because exercise improved fitness. CONCLUSION All exercises have got both sides of benefit and loss. Therefore, exercise programming prescribed by exercise professional is very important for exercise positively effects on disease treatment and patient's fitness. In conclusion, through studying of exercise for treatment of diseases, I think it is very important the specialty and roles of Certified Exercise Professional. |
Exercise, Therapeutic exercise, Rehabilitation exercise, Exercise prescription, Certified Exercise professional |