Effects of Three Rehabilitative Exercises on Body Composition, Visual Analogue Scale and Low Muscular Function in Elderly with Osteoarthritis. |
Woo-kyung Lee, Chul-kyu Jung, Hyung-ryong Kim, Phil-kyu Yoon |
Kyungwoon University |
Woo-kyung Lee, Email: wklee1014@hanmail.net |
Received: 6 January 2015 • Accepted: 9 May 2015 |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of three rehabilitative exercises on body composition, visual analogue scale, and low muscular function of elderly women with osteoarthritis. METHODS 29 elderly women with osteoarthritis participated in this study. They performed three different exercises utilizing isokinetic, isotonic, and aquatic exercise for 16 weeks. Body composition, visual analogue scale, and low muscular function were measured before and after the program. Data were analyzed by two-way repeated ANOVA in SPSS(ver 18.0). RESULTS Results of this study showsthat there was no significant difference in body composition among the groups. However, low muscular functions were significantly different in 60s right/left flexion and left extension, and 240s right/left flexion. Also visual analogue scale showed significantly differences among the time, group,and time×group. Especially, isokinetic exercise seems to be more effective compared to other types of exercises. CONCLUSIONS Three rehabilitative exercises were effective interventions for improving muscle function and relieving painin elderly women with osteoarthritis. Therefore, combination of isokinetic, isotonic, and aquatic exercises can be a very effective exercise program for elderly women with osteoarthritis. |
Osteoarthritis, Isokinetic exercise, Isotonic exercise, Aquatic exercise, Elderly women |