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Asian J Kinesiol > Volume 19(1); 2017 > Article
The Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology 2017;19(1):1-9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15758/jkak.2017.19.1.1    Published online January 30, 2017.
Effects of GABA enriched fermented sea tangle supplementation on body composition, muscular activity, muscle growth factors, and inspiration functions in adult males.
Byeong-Hwan Jeon
Kyungsung University
Correspondence:  Byeong-Hwan Jeon,
Email: mooaworld@ks.ac.kr
Received: 8 January 2017   • Accepted: 21 January 2017
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in body composition, body fat, muscle mass, and muscle growth after supplementing GABA-enriched fermented sea tangle (FST). We investigated its efficacy as a supplemer by analyzing changes in muscle activity, muscle growth-related blood factors, and changes in inspiratory capacity associated with respiratory muscle function.
FST supplementation group (FST, n = 10) and placebo group (Con, n = 10) were randomly assigned to participate as subjects. Participants had been fed 1,000 mg of fermented sea tangle for FST group and 1,000 mg of sucrose for placebo group, each day for 8 weeks. Body composition, weight, muscle mass, body fat, abdominal fat, muscle activity, concentration of blood-related muscle growth factors, and inspiratory capacity were measured.
The 8-week FST supplementation did not have any significant effect on body composition including body fat and muscle mass, but it has been confirmed that the muscle growth and muscle growth factors required for blood muscle growth were significantly increased. On the other hand, the improvement of some functions of respiratory muscle was confirmed by the significant increase in maximum inspiratory pressure.
During the 8-week intake, it was expected that the quality of the muscle would improve in advance of the quantitative improvement within muscle and blood, without changes in body composition.
Keywords: GABA, fermented sea tangle, body composition, muscular activity, muscle growth factors, inspiration functions


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