Asian J Kinesiol Search


Asian J Kinesiol > Volume 27(1); 2025 > Article
The Asian Journal of Kinesiology 2025;27(1):69-77.
DOI:    Published online January 31, 2025.
Acute Effects of Stretching Applied During Sports Games on Agility and Dynamic Balance Ability
Wanyoung Yoon
Healthcare Exercise, Seowon University, Cheong-ju, Republic of Korea
Correspondence:  Wanyoung Yoon, Healthcare Exercise, Seowon University, Cheong-ju, Republic of Korea, Tel: +82-10-2464-1905, Fax: +82-43-299-8797, 
Received: 9 January 2025   • Revised: 23 January 2025   • Accepted: 31 January 2025

The purpose of this study is to investigate the acute effects of stretching performed during rest periods of exercise on performance.
26 participants were selected from the volleyball team at S University in Chungbuk Province. All participants were fully informed about the purpose and content of the study, experimental procedures, protection of human rights, and the safety of the study before voluntarily agreeing to participate.
Participants were divided into two groups: one performing static stretching (ASSG) and the other performing dynamic stretching (ADSG). The effects of stretching were evaluated in terms of agility and multidirectional dynamic balance ability. The mean and standard deviation of each variable were calculated, and statistical analyses were conducted using a paired t-test to examine within-group differences based on stretching type and a two-way repeated measures ANOVA for between-group differences. Furthermore, in multidirectional dynamic balance ability, significant differences were found in treatment time, between groups, and across treatment times between groups. Post-treatment comparisons showed improvements in the right anterior (Rt Ant), left anterior (Lt Ant), left posteromedial (Lt PM), and left posterolateral (Lt PL) regions following dynamic stretching.
Therefore, it can be concluded that dynamic stretching is highly effective in enhancing agility and multidirectional balance ability when performed during rest periods of exercise. These findings suggest that dynamic stretching can serve as a beneficial training tool for use during exercise rest periods.
Keywords: Agility Balance Dynamic Stretching Multi-direction Static Stretching


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