Jeon: Exercise Literacy Impacts on Health, Fitness and Quality of Life
Modern lifestyles often involve long hours sitting at desks, in front of screens, and little time for regular physical activity. Hypokinetic, or lack of physical activity, combined with poor dietary choices and high levels of stress, can contribute to the development of chronic diseases [1].
Fortunately, many people are also interested in and actively taking steps to improve their physical fitness, mental health. Interventions to improve health and physical fitness can include a variety of strategies, such as promoting healthy eating and regular exercise. The goal of these interventions is to improve overall health and well-being, and ultimately improve the quality of life [2].
Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some sorts of cancers. In addition, it have people less likely be overweight or obese and have a lower risk of premature death. It can also help improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety and increasing self-esteem and overall well-being. In the aspects of physical fitness, regular exercise can increase muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance, improving overall fitness [3].
To optimize the benefites of these interventions, it is essential for individuals to educate themselves about physical activity, exercise, and health promotion in order to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. This includes understanding the benefits of different types of exercise, how to properly perform exercises to avoid injury, and how to create a balanced and safe exercise plan. Additionally, it is important to seek guidance from qualified professionals, such as personal trainers or physical therapists, to ensure that you are performing exercises safely and effectively.
As suggested in several studies, however, lower levels of education may be associated with a higher risk of obesity and metabolic diseases. Individuals with lower levels of education may have less access to information and resources related to healthy living, which can also contribute to a higher risk of these conditions. Moreover, this association is complex and multifactorial, and other factors such as socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, and genetics also play a role [4].
Exercise literacy, specifically, refers to the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and use information related to these topics in order to make informed decisions about one's physical activity and exercise habits and promote overall health. Individuals need appropriate cognitive, emotional and physical endowments to engage in lifelong exercise behaviors. Many interventions that are aimed to promote physical activity focus on physical ability by providing opportunities for individuals to participate in exercise, but may neglect other important aspects such as knowledge, understanding, motivation, confidence. Therefore, exercise literacy should address multiple areas simultaneously and systematically, including motivation and confidence, physical ability, and knowledge [5].
These areas are closely linked and must be considered together in order to promote lifelong exercise behaviors. A holistic approach that addresses all of these areas in harmony is essential for constructing a practical and effective exercise literacy program. Furthermore, interventions could be multidimensional and include a variety of strategies such as providing education and information, increasing access to physical activity opportunities, and addressing environmental and policy-level factors that influence exercise behaviors.
In conclusion, exercise literacy is a crucial component in preventing chronic diseases, in promoting physical activity and overall health and quality of life. It involves the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and use information related to physical activity and exercise in order to make informed decisions and engage in regular exercise. This includes understanding the benefits of physical activity, how to properly perform exercises, and how to create a safe and effective exercise plan.


1. Shin Y, Kim JH, Song R, Cha ES. The Effects of Obesity and Physical Activity on Dyslipidemia in Persons With Type 2 Diabetes. The Asian Journal of Kinesiology. 2022; 24:52–60.
2. Pucci GC, Rech CR, Fermino RC, Reis RS. Association between physical activity and quality of life in adults. Rev Saude Publica. 2012; 46(1): 166–79.
3. Di Lorito C, Long A, Byrne A, et al. Exercise interventions for older adults: A systematic review of meta-analyses. J Sport Health Sci. 2021; 10(1): 29–47.
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4. Holler P, Jaunig J, Amort FM, et al. Holistic physical exercise training improves physical literacy among physically inactive adults: a pilot intervention study. BMC Public Health. 2019; 19(1): 393.
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5. Carl J, Barratt J, Wanner P, Töpfer C, Cairney J, Pfeifer K. The Effectiveness of Physical Literacy Interventions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2022; 52(12): 2965–2999.
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